RAM and ROM are not the most helpful names in the world, as we'll shortly find out, so don't worry if they sound baffling. Just remember this key point: the main memory inside a computer is based on two kinds of chip: a temporary, volatile kind that remembers only while the power ...
Table 1. Multiple linear regression covariates grouped by their effect on decomposition: climate (temperature, moisture) and wood traits (substrate quality, tree size) to avoid correlations of |r| > 0.7 between variables and thereby multicollinearity in regression models [125]. MAT—Mean annual air...
sectoAr scopurledviboeunselyfits, tbaatesded, sounsttahineasbulsetabiensatb(iolirtyptrroepnedr,) fproramctaicsessesasnindg,KmeyeaPseurrfionrgm, aanncde eInnhdaicnactionrgs (tKhePiIrsp) rhoacvesesebse.en defined with a particular focus on two main aspects: water consumption and packaAgsinp...