Rearrange the order of the phonemes and you could make the words "act" or "tack." There are only 26 letters in the English alphabet, but over 40 phonemes. That's because some letters and letter groups can be read in multiple ways (a, for example, can be read differently, as in '...
IBM engineers developed this groundbreaking magnetic memory (which, in IBM-speak, was called the DASD, pronounced "das-dee"), through a process of continuous improvement from the early 1950s onward and were awarded their final patent on the design in 1970. You can see that the basic read-wr...
From US Patent 2,914,962: Flywheel system by Bertram Schmidt, published December 1, 1959, courtesy US Patent and Trademark Office. How can a flywheel retain its energy? Photo: Flywheels eventually stop turning due to friction and air resistance, but if we mount them on very low friction ...