XOR and AND are the most important logic gates in integrated circuit. For swapping between a and b using XOR: a^(a^b) = b b^(a^b) = a For investor a^1 = inverted a Other usage including parity generator, parity checker and comparator that check for 2 inputs with identical signals...
XOR and AND are the most important logic gates in integrated circuit. For swapping between a and b using XOR: a^(a^b) = b b^(a^b) = a For investor a^1 = inverted a Other usage including parity generator, parity checker and comparator that check for 2 inputs with identical signals...
XOR and AND are the most important logic gates in integrated circuit. For swapping between a and b using XOR: a^(a^b) = b b^(a^b) = a For investor a^1 = inverted a Other usage including parity generator, parity checker and comparator that check for 2 inputs with identical signals...