On the other side of the planet there is a mountain made from all that earth God removed to dig the Inferno. The Saints (all those who are saved by faith from the other fate) progress up the mountain through Purgatory to reach Paradise. — tbc (talk) 14:01, 14 February 2014 (UTC)...
The Christian Greek Scriptures explain by what means God will make possible everlasting life for mankind in Paradise on earth. Li Tsʼibetik ta Griego Kʼop ti chalbe skʼoplal Cristoe chalbe skʼoplal ti kʼusi tspas Dios sventa sta xkuxlejalik sbatel osil ta Balumil li ...
Explain the three aspects of the “paradise” that Paul saw in a vision. Apóstol Pabloca ¿ima paraisotata shuj muscuipi cuenda ricurca? jw2019 (Malachi 3:6) Jesus Christ explained that our times today are much like “the days of Noah.” Jehová Diosca na cambianllu (Malaquías...
The Christian Greek Scriptures explain by what means God will make possible everlasting life for mankind in Paradise on earth. Ewe Tesin Krik a äweweei ifa ussun Kot epwe atufichi än aramas küna manau esemuch lon Paratis woon fönüfan. jw2019 4 “The field is the world,” ...