Artwork: The best-known computer network topologies: line (chain/bus), ring, star, mesh (where each node is connected to some of the others), full mesh (each node is connected to all the others), and tree (star networks connected in a line)....
To identify mechanisms underlying such functional changes we conducted a modeling study in NEURON on several networks of point neurons with varied model parameters, such as membrane properties, synaptic weights and axonal delays. We considered six network topologies of the retino-geniculo-cortical ...
As a baseline, we play none of these three players i.e. number of featuresf= 0 and the expected number of goals of the team will be 0.5. Each of the arrow that goes down the matrice indicates a possible stepwise increment when including a new feature (or including a player in our ca...
Network reciprocity has been successfully put forward (since M. A. Nowak and R. May’s, 1992, influential paper) as the simplest mechanism—requiring no strategical complexity—supporting the evolution of cooperation in biological and socioeconomic syste