A logic gate is a bit like a doorman or bouncer who is allowed to let people into a nightclub only if they pass certain tests. There are quite a few different types of logic gate, the most common of which are called AND, OR, NOT, XOR (Exclusive Or), NAND (NOT AND), and NOR (...
(s1r4teh8pa rktegsd eohnatn−eo1d)t c3ao5pnpvceaearniretrtiniaetsitohgnersom winon daetl residduupalliNca(t~e1 8plkogtsh ain− 1a) arnadndhiogmhiNse(d1 4b8lokcgkh ad−e1s)igconn. cRenestriadtuioanl ssitnandduaprlidc aeterrpolro:t s0i....
4)Usage of NOR and NAND memory: NOR is easy to use. Just connect it and use it. However, NAND not used like that. NAND has I/O interface and requires a driver for performing any operation. Read operation from NOR do not need any driver....