Summary Advisor requires several Java stored procedures. Action: Connect to the database as a user with SYSDBA privileges. Execute the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/initqsma.sql script. QSM-01001 query rewrite not enabled Cause: When query rewrite is disabled, no query rewrite will take place. ...
I'm new to C and heap memory, below is my understanding about dynamic memory allocation, please correct me if I'm wrong: Fact 1-When the first time calling malloc, malloc will call sbrk internally to ...Different versions of a font in a FontFace I've used http://www.fontsquirrel....
Automatic memory management: Garbage collection eliminates the need for developers to manually manage memory allocation and deallocation, reducing the risk of memory leaks and other memory-related errors. Improved performance: Garbage collection can improve application performance by reducing the amoun...
Explain the function of the page map table in the memory allocation schemes. Explain your answer with examples from the schemes that use a PMT. Write and test a MIPS program consisting of four functions. Note: In the following ...
(a) What is multithreading in JAVA? (b) How can multiple threads run simultaneously on a single-processor system? Consider a single CPU system with two active processors A and B. Explain what happens i the following circumstances including any interrupts, system calls, etc. and ho...
Accessing Java Key Store using .NET Accessing Outlook Calendar in C# Application Accessing PowerShell Variable in C# code Accessing rows/columns in MultiDimensional Arrays Accessing the first object in an ICollection Accessing the private method through an instance in a static method Accurate Integer ...
Pointers in C are very easy to learn a few tasks in C language are done by using pointers. And some tasks like dynamic memory allocation done only by using pointers. So it is essential to learn pointers. POINTER is a variable that stores the address of the other variable. A pointer is...
Accessing Java Key Store using .NET Accessing Outlook Calendar in C# Application Accessing PowerShell Variable in C# code Accessing rows/columns in MultiDimensional Arrays Accessing the first object in an ICollection Accessing the private method through an instance in a static method Accurate Integer ...
What is dynamic memory allocation? How do you access elements (names) in struct: std::vectorstruct names;passed as parameter in a void function. How does a compiler work? Consider the following C-like program: int fun(int *i) { *i ...