WhenbroadbandInternetfirst came along, it seemed like nothing short of magic. Suddenly, we could stay online as long as we wanted without blocking the phone or running up monstrous call charges. Music and movie downloads that had once taken hours or minutes now took minutes or seconds. High-...
Artwork: Checking the integrity of a large download with an MD5 code: If you've ever downloaded a Linux distribution (anything from a few hundred megabytes to several gigabytes of data), you've probably done this—or you certainly should have done! On the original download page, you'll be...
In addition, note the size of the My Documents folder: It's measured in megabytes, not gigabytes, due to the compact software used back then (definitely not Vista). 00:16, 31 March 2015 (UTC) << Actually; explainxkcd got it wrong + I have a dynamic ...
A CD can hold 650 megabytes (million characters) of data, whereas a DVD can cram in at least 4.7 gigabytes (thousand megabytes)—which is roughly seven times more. Because DVDs are the same size as CDs, and are storing seven times more information, the zeros and ones (or pits and ...