(2).维基词典defineexplain To determine with precision; to mark out with distinctness; to ascertain or exhibit clearly. To settle, decide an argument etc. 16th-17th c. To express the essential nature of something. To state the meaning of a word, phrase, sign, or symbol. ...
Chapter 2 "The House as a System" offers a good introduction to the principles of "building science" that you'll need to understand to make an effectively insulated home. Energy-Efficient Home Manual: Expert Guidance on Saving Energy and Conserving Water by Reader's Digest, 2007. A DIY ...
How can multifactor models be used to help investors understand the relative risk exposures in their portfolios relative to a benchmark portfolio? Support the answer with examples using both macroecon If portfolio managers think the market will go down, how do they mitigate...
Explain the liquidity concept, specifically where it says, "Regardless of how liquid your assets are, you can estimate their market value. That value should be based on some reasonable benchmark, such as what comparable items are selling for at a retail o ...
B Several years ago, the three of us started a book project to explain how learning and memory work. Two of us, Roddy Roediger and Mark McDaniel, are cognitive (认知的)scientists who have dedicated our careers to the study of learning and memory. Peter Brown is a storyteller. We have ...
markmulligansr Nov 14, 2008 IBM: DB2 Replies 0 Views 59 Nov 14, 2008 markmulligansr Locked Helpful tip How to Explain a DB2 SQL Command PowerProgramming Feb 15, 2008 IBM: DB2 Replies 0 Views 48 Feb 15, 2008 PowerProgramming Locked Question (Visual) Explain on z/OS julian...
C Several years ago, the three of us started a book project to explain how learning and memory work. Two of us, Roddy Roediger and Mark McDaniel, are cognitive(认知的) scientists who have dedicated our careers to the study of learning and memory. Peter Brown is a storyteller. We have ...
aThe actual Six Step Prospecting and Three Step Promotion language appears later in this chapter. When the 6-3 process is used in combination with other techniques, such as prompting lists ( name rosters of professional associations, clubs or companies ), you will be prepared to maximize the ...
↑ For a much more detailed explanation of the difference between formant, concatenative, and articulatory synthesis, see Chapter 2 ("Low-lever synthesizers: current status") of Developments in Speech Synthesis by Mark Tatham, Katherine Morton, Wiley, 2005, p.23–37. Please...
Adolescents were less likely than adults to set an event boundary (i.e., mark consecutive frames in the film as not belonging to each other) when the number of situational changes in the movie increased, suggesting that adolescents seem to act on longer time scales, just like younger ...