First, the sex ratio was aggregated and mapped by 1° of latitude and 10° of longitude. Any bias or trend in the sex ratio was checked from the map. Then, a generalized additive model (GAM) was used to quantify the effects of each variable on the proportion of males (p). The base...
The numbers are 1101, 601, and 865 respectively. c Asian/Black/White counties. The overrepresented race for each county is identified by comparing the proportion of non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, and non-Hispanic Asian populations to the average for all the counties (See Supplementary ...
Large variations in the growth of atmospheric methane, a prominent greenhouse gas, are driven by a diverse range of anthropogenic and natural emissions and by loss from oxidation by the hydroxyl radical. We used a decade-long dataset (2010–2019) of satellite observations of methane to show that...
Closure in mathematics can be a term relating to sets, specifically operations on sets, and a coordinate plane is a particular set of numbers. A set is closed under an operation if all the "answers" to the operation are also in the set. The coordinate plane is said to be closed under ...
Red and blue arrows reflect positive and negative pathways, respectively. Numbers along the arrows, as well as the width of the arrows, indicate standardised path coefficients. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of ...
18%), and from the Palearctic toward the Nearctic (ca. 17%). Fig. 2: Percentages of dispersal events between regions as inferred by our DECX analysis through different geological periods. Arrows indicate the direction of dispersal and numbers denote the percentage of the total number of ...
(branch lengths). We calculated the Gower distance for the detailed diet data, detailed habitat data, and sample type data (wild/captive animal + gut/feces sample origin; see Fig.1). Geographic distance was represented as Great Circle distance based on latitude and longitude. Alpha-...
Numbers at the base of the branches are percentages corresponding to the bootstrap values after 1000 replications. (b) Median-joining network of chlorotypes computed using NETWORK (, with 1, West African chlorotypes; 2, East African chlorotypes; 3 and 4, ...