Lasso Regression, also known as L1 Regularization, is similar to Ridge regression. The only difference is that the penalty is calculated with the absolute value of the slope instead. Logistic Regression Logistic Regression is a classification technique that also finds a ‘line of best fit.’ Howev...
Using techniques such as forward selection (FS) and backward elimination (BE), Random Forest (RF), decision trees, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines, and Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), we determined subsets and features. We used linear and non-linear MLs-- Lasso, Ridge, RF, and ...
Yield predictionLASSORandom forestRidge regressionSVMField location and layout. The field was located in eastern Nebraska, USA (left). Cyan line indicates the flight path, and yellow rectangles indicate the studied 170 plots (right). The map was generated using images collected on April 27, 2018...