2. What is the difference between premium and deductible? 3. What can you say about the type of individual preferences if the risk premium is zero? Explain in detail. How does a firm decide when to produce internally or incur external transaction cost...
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law passed in 1993 that allows employees to take up to 12 weeks per year of unpaid leave from work to deal with certain family and medical crises. Explore the legislation and purpose of FMLA, recognize who is covered by the law, and...
Explain why an individual may prefer insurance with a copayment rather than insurance without any copayment? What is the preference of those in your own organization? Why do deductibles affect the demand for medical care more for mil...
Answer and Explanation: Recovery rebate credits apply when an individual or family did not properly receive an early stimulus or other credit payment. In recent history, the... Learn more about this topic: Earned Income Tax Credit | Overview & Examples ...
Explain the difference between being a risk-taker and being risk-averse. How does this impact a person's economic decisions? 1. Explain the concept of risk premium. 2. What is the difference between premium and deductible? 3. What can you say about t...
Explain insurance needs short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term based on the development of your personal financial plan.Insurance:Insurance is an individual or organizational coverage to protect property in case of damage or accident. Everybody ne...