In theory, since spoken languages are built from only a few dozen phonemes (English uses about 46, while Spanish has only about 24), you could recognize any possible spoken utterance just by learning to pick out phones (or similar key features of spoken language such asformants, which are ...
Copy-number-variable (CNV) loci are an important cause of genetic variation in human genomes, and give rise to differences of 4.8–9.5% in the overall length of human genomes10,11. However population genetic divergence at the genome-wide CNV loci has not been investigated in detail12,13, ...
In comparison, the baseline recurrent models "Vanilla RNN" (similar to BL) had approximately 39% and 45% of the parameters of the feedforward control models ("FF Deeper" and "FF Wider", respectively) in [29]. While reciprocally gated cells clearly produce better task pe...
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