Explain, why (a + b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 if and only if a = 0 or b = 0? Explain how to answer the following. Define the term 'equation' and then explain what it means to solve an equation. a) What is wrong with the following ...
(b) In view of part (a), explain why the equation {eq}\underset{x\to 2}{\mathop{\lim }}\,\dfrac{{{x}^{2}}+x-6}{x-2}=\underset{x\to 2}{\mathop{\lim }}\,\left( x+3 \right) {/eq} is correct. Domains of Functions: The domain o...
Answer to: Explain how to multiply 250 x 0.25. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. You can...
Formally, this equation describes the typical behavior of kernel regression in a thermodynamic limit that involves taking P to infinity. In this limit, variations in kernel regression’s performance due to the differences in how the training set is formed, which is assumed to be a stochastic proc...
For example, it is relatively easy to test that a solution to a differential equation is valid but choosing the correct solution to test can seem like black magic to students. The way that Ms Lenhart's proof refers to the act of doing math itself, is characteristic of metamathematical ...
Sure, the golden ratio is such that (a+b)/a = a/b. Now let's work this equation. First let's multiply both sides by a to get (a+b)=a^2/b now let's multiply both sides by b to get b(a+b) = ab + b^2 = a^2 now we rearrange to get b^2 + ab - a^2 = 0 or...
love as aFourier transform. These are all "normal approaches" to solving certain math problems. The message of the comic is that for someone who uses math to solve all their problems, defining love is impossible. It also indicates that love is not always a rational (or irrational) ...
The given equation is: 3÷(x+2)+7÷(x+1)=3÷(x2+3x+2) The above equation can be written as: {eq}\begin{align*}... Learn more about this topic: Dividing Functions: Examples & Overview from Chapter 18/ Lesson 10 43K A rational expression is...
Flury and Gaustchi [26] propose an algorithm to solve a system of equations that leads to the minimizer of function 𝐹(·)F(·) in (1) among 𝑓×𝑓f×f orthogonal matrices and for any given 𝑓×𝑓f×f positive definite symmetric matrices 𝐒1,…,𝐒𝑝S1,…,Sp. In first...