How long would that be, given that the Sun is 1.50x10^11m away? Explain why the sky is blue. Explain how sunspots are produced and their effects on Earth. Why is 5\dfrac {1} {3} not equal to 5.3? Explain how electrical equipotentials are experimentally measure...
Explain how coupling reactions allows a cell to capture the free energy of glucose oxidation rather than allow it to escape to the environment in the form of heat. How does this process affect other reactions in the cell? (a) Describe the major reactions and...
How much power can we make with solar cells? Power to the people Why hasn't solar power caught on yet? A brief history of solar cells Find out moreHow much energy can we get from the Sun?Solar power is amazing. On average, every square meter of Earth's surface receives 163 watts of...
Life in the clouds of Venus, if present in sufficiently high abundance, must be affecting the atmospheric chemistry. It has been proposed that abundant Venusian life could obtain energy from its environment using three possible sulfur energy-metabolisms. These metabolisms raise the possibility of Ven...
So... how exactly does it work? Let's take a closer look!Photo: There's a huge amount of energy trapped in the oceans. OTEC (ocean thermal energy conversion) makes power using the temperature difference between warm surface water and cooler water down below. Photo courtesy of NASA/JPL....
At the time of sunset, the sun is at horizontal. The light emitted by the sun has to travel a relatively longer distance through the atmosphere. As a result, blue part of light is scattered away by the particulate in the atmosphere causing red part to be
TheSunproduces great amounts of light and heat and blasts it towards us, which is why we can live on Earth. Since Ludwig Boltzmann pointed out the fact in 1875, people have been working on establishing exactly how such far from equilibrium systems as life might depend upon, or be formed ...
Calculate the nuclear binding energy per nucleon for 136^Ba if its nuclear mass is 135.905 amu. Compare and contrast nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Consider the following fusion reaction: _{1}^{3}H+_{1}^{3}H\rightarrow _{2}^{4}He+2n ...
and the relationships between them. Second, we noted how the models might combine the effects of these crucial processes and other processes or factors. Third, we used the integration models to derive the forms of the PSRR and SRPR at local and regional scales and verified the forms at the...
What is lattice energy? Learn the definition of lattice energy, see its trends in the Periodic Table, and study how to find lattice energy using its formula. Related to this Question What are two environmental aspects of the Haber process? Explain. ...