minimum distance of ~600 m between the hypocenters of the event pair. This distance is larger than the rupture length of these events, estimated as ~300-400 m from their magnitudes ( ~ 3.2 and ~3.0), based on empirical relations62. Their focal mechanisms have not been estimated63...
head, the head model was constructed. Specifically, the head model employed is a Boundary Element Method (BEM) volume conduction model of the head89. In order to account for the increased noise with increasing distance from the sensors, i.e., towards the center of the head, the Neural Acti...
How do electric cars compare? Let's put that theoretical "15 kilowatt hours (kWh) per 100km" in context. How efficient are electric cars compared to other forms of transportation? This chart shows how much energy (in kWh) it takes to move one passenger a distance of 100km (~60 miles)...
All convolutions are applied with 1 × 1 stride and all max pooling is applied with 2 × 2 stride. The number of parameters are calculated for ImageNet models, ecoset models have slightly fewer parameters for the readout due to the smaller number of categories in ecoset...
but it would normally be a strange choice to enumerate the speed of a bike. Afurlongis also a unit of length, equivalent to one eighth of a mile (or 660 feet or 110 fathoms) but is mostly unused except in horse racing. It is possible that furlongs/min or furlongs/hour could be us...