You can see how big it is from the size of the car and people at the bottom, which I've colored red to help you pick them out. Picture courtesy of NASA on The Commons. It took another decade for Clarke's bold plan to move toward reality. First, satellites themselves had to be ...
How binoculars use lensesThe way light bends when it goes from air to a different material (such as water or glass) is called refraction. (For a full explanation of how it works, please see our detailed article on light.) Refraction is the key to how lenses work—and lenses are the ...
People buy dog food dish from LV for xxxxx$ even though you get it for 15$ and works the same. If people wouldn't buy 3k Casio, they wouldn't sell it. I have a soft spot for expensive watches from brands that usually don't sell very expensive stuff. I find it interesting how ...
In particular, recent works show the importance of heterogeneous spatial distribution of stress prior to the Chi-Chi earthquake. However our analysis of seismicity shows that previous large historic earthquakes cannot explain the amplitude of this heterogeneity. We propose here an alternative explanation ...
Finally, we used the assortativity coefficient to measure how likely are individuals to be connected to those with a similar trait value65. For an undirected network, this coefficient is given by: P xyðexy À axayÞ r ¼ xy s2a ð23Þ where and y, exy ax is is the fraction...
385: How it Works 387: Advanced Technology 389: Keeping Time 390: Nightmares 392: Making Rules 395: Morning 397: Unscientific 400: Important Life Lesson 401: Large Hadron Collider 403: Convincing Pickup Line 408: Overqualified 409: Electric Skateboard (Double Comic) 410: Math Paper 411: Techn...
determination of how close a GPS station needs to be to account for VLM at the tide-gauge location. A key takeaway, however, is that few of the available tide gauges in the U.S. have a truly collocated GPS station, which would ultimately be a solution to many challenges covered here75...
In addition to introducing a message to let users know how Bluetooth and Wi-Fi work in Control Center, on the iPhone X, there's also a small UI change designed to make the Control Center gesture more obvious. Whenever you're on the Lock screen, there's a small bar underneath the icons...
When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. Though scientists don't think UFOs really created these huge circular patterns, they are puzzled over how exactly they are created. Here, a crop circle in front of the castle Torrechiara...
When this comic was released the Header text changed to help people on how to vote in the upcoming election. See this trivia from the 2068: Election Night comic, released after this one. The interactive picture did not work in many browsers when using the link, only the ...