aUnless otherwise shown on the Drawings all lengths and distances shall be measured horizontally, and all depths and layer thickness shall be measured vertically. The average-end-area method shall be used in computing volumes of excavation and filling. 除非否则显示在图画所有长度和距离将水平地被测量...
Ask most people how to measure the strength of a magnetic field (the invisible area of magnetism extending out around a magnet) or the units in which field strength is measured (webers or teslas, depending on how you're measuring) and they wouldn't have a clue....
Using the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry, find the hypotenuse and angles a and b in the figure. How would you solve for x in a 45-45-90 triangle if the hypotenuse is 9 \sqrt 2? How is the distance formula derived from the Pyt...
Explain how to find the resultant internal loading acting on the cross-section at point A. Free-body Diagrams Free-body diagrams are diagrams that display the external forces acting on a member as well as the internal support reactions happening on the object in order ...
For example, the first rule of fis2 describes that the steering angle is negativeLow (low negative value) when the yaw angle rate () and relative yaw angle () are both negative. Steering angles (output of fis1) and (output of fis2) have a negative correlation, that is, fis3 output ...
Dipoles are verydirectional: they pick up incoming radio waves traveling at right angles to them. That's why a TV antenna has to be properly mounted on your home, and facing the correct way, if you're going to get a clear picture. The telescopic antenna on an FM radio is less obviousl...
These states get a higher chance to be measured. It is trivial to code up such a function if we know its solutions. But the whole point of quantum algorithms is to find these solutions in the first place. So we need to tell the quantum algoritm the conditions of the function and let ...
In particular, an asymmetric log-Normal SRT may generate an acoustic transient which is very similar to the asymmetric waveform characterizing blast waves and it can also explain pressure discontinuity in the signal, when measured not too far from the explosive source, the so-called Friedlander’s...
(as measured from the left end) also increased (Fig.2k, right). The biophysical explanation for this observation within our model is that, during the coarsening process, the recombination-intermediate with greater ‘catchment area’ for siphoning HEI10 molecules will tend to accumulate more HEI10...
Properties of Angles: In geometry, a traversal passes into two parallel lines as below: ∠1 and ∠2 are known as linear pairs, which are equal to supplementary. ∠2 and ∠3 are consecutive interior angles that are equal to supplementary. ∠2 ...