When communication devices work this way, they're described as half-duplex (a single channel allows communication in only one direction at any one time), as opposed to full-duplex (where you can talk and listen at the same time, as on a telephone)....
33.What is simplex mode?34.What is half-duplex mode?35.What is an example ofhalf-duplextransmission?36.What is full-duplex mode?37.What is an example of full-duplextransmission?38.How does full-duplex increase networkperformance?8.3.2 Describe IP addressing39.What is an IP address?40.W...
Ordinary CDMA is great for sending phone calls, which involve two-way communication. But it's not so good for providing Internet access. Although Net access is also two-way (because your computer is constantly requesting Web pages from servers and getting things back in return), it's not a...