In [30], research was proposed analyzing layers of a 3D-CNN using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and binary encoding of training and test pictures based on their GMM components to yield comparable 3D images as explanations. As an explanation for its conclusion, the algorithm returned activation...
Table 5: Top-1% self-supervised Acc (↑) for MNIST, FashionMNIST, CIFAR10, and CelebA (gender classification) using a linear probe (LP) and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) classification methods; We report mean and standard errors over three runs; Bold indicate best scores in each method ...
We ran mediation and Bayesian scoring analyses when parental education was used as the exposure to evaluate the robustness of findings upon the choice of a different proxy for early life socioeconomic conditions. To test the ability of Bayesian network model selection to identify plausible dependency ...
According to the simple source model (eq. 4) for a Gaussian SRT (Fig. 3a), the generated acoustic transient is described by: $$\delta p(t)=-\,\frac{\rho }{2\pi r}\frac{t/\tau -{\mu }_{g}}{\tau {\sigma }_{g}^{2}}{\dot{V}}_{g}(t)$$ (5) which represents an...
Microalgae classification using semi-supervised and active learning based on Gaussian mixture models Microalgae are unicellular organisms that have different shapes, sizes and structures. Classifying these microalgae manually can be an expensive task, beca... P Drews,RG Colares,P Machado,... - 《Jour...
Finally, we completed a path analysis in the group of older adults based on the factor scores from the two components and DemTect to investigate how “sensory capability” and “information integration” relate to cognitive status. Specifically, we tested the saturated regression model with two pre...
To evaluate the optimal number of clusters that can best describe both the empirical weight distributions as well as the simulated neuronal responses, Dirichlet process with Gaussian mixture modelling58and time-series K-Means analysis81were performed using the scikit-learn82and tslearn59Python machine ...
In [30], research was proposed analyzing layers of a 3D-CNN using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and binary encoding of training and test pictures based on their GMM components to yield comparable 3D images as explanations. As an explanation for its conclusion, the algorithm returned activation...