Here Human is general class and Man and Women are sub classes of general thing.That is Human class contains all features general and Human and Women contains features specific to their own class. Hey try to write class will get the essence of OOPs.Showing Answers 1 - 1 of 1 Ans...
Priority allow the scheduler to take the decision when the thread should be allowed to run, and in which order. The higher priority threads get more CPU time then lower priority threads. A lower priority thread can be preempted by higher priority thread
yes, uefi can be used in virtual machines. virtualization software, such as vmware and virtualbox, supports uefi firmware for virtual machines. this allows you to take advantage of uefi features and functionalities within the virtualized environment, just like you would on physical hardware. it ...
Life Cycle of Java or various Methods of Applets :- Born or Init ():- This method is executed when an Applets First Time Execute in Memory and when Applet is created or when an Applet Born The Initiate Method is used for Placing the Code that a user wants to First Executed or when...
yes, uefi can be used in virtual machines. virtualization software, such as vmware and virtualbox, supports uefi firmware for virtual machines. this allows you to take advantage of uefi features and functionalities within the virtualized environment, just like you would on physical hardware. it ...