DbVisualizer presents the plan either in a tree style format or in a graph, or in a simple text format. What information is shown depends on the database you use. In the tree view, put the mouse pointer on the column header for a tooltip description what that column represents. The fol...
9i中 DBMS_XPLAN只是提供了“理论”上的的SQL执行计划(通过Explain Plan). 不过,9i提供了几个动态视图来供查询实际的SQL(cursor)执行计划信息,比如v$SQL_PLAN,v$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS). 虽然如此,DBMS_XPLAN却没有能够提供返回容易阅读的格式化好的实际执行计划信息。 在10g中这个问题得到了解决, DBMS_XPLAN中增加的...
Describe the effect that a single stuck-at-0 fault (i.e. regardless of what it should be, the signal is always 0) would have for the signals shown below, in single-cycle datapath. Which instructions i Describe five components of the DBMS environment and ...
togointodetailabouthowtoproduceandreadplans correctly.I’vebuiltthefoundationofknowledgeyouneedto understandthemostcommonoperationsyou’llseeusedinexecution plans,butyouneedtoputthatknowledgeintopractice. 在本书最开始的几章里你已经见过很多执行计划了,在本章中我将继续深 入讲解计划如何生成的和怎样正确的读它...