Applies to: Tableau Cloud, Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server Each time you select a new mark in a viz or dashboard and run Explain Data, Tableau runs a new statistical analysis considering that mark and the underlying data in the workbook. Possible explanations are displayed in expandable sections...
Ajenstat said Explain Data has the potential to further democratize analytics as users can select any data point in a visualization and utilize Bayesian statistical modeling to evaluate patterns and explanations across multiple data points. Tableau, now owned by Salesforce, already integrates with dozen...
The new Explain Data feature enables users to select a data point in a visualization and Tableau will use Bayesian statistical methods to evaluate patterns and potential explanations across all data. The module only delivers the most significant explanations as interactive visuals which users...
Learn more about work at Tableau Research on how speech, text, and visualization modes communicate data uncertainty, impacting decision-making and trust. Subscribe to our blog 在您的收件箱中获取最新的 Tableau 更新。 名字 姓氏 商务电子邮件 地址 国家/地区 是的,我希望接收此新闻通讯以及有关...
According to the Tableau Data Visualization Guidelines, if you want to create a visualization that shows a comparison between categories (such as shoes sales by brand), probably the best type of chart Define a scatter diagram and describe the ...
releases might cause the testing tool to function improperly or stop sending data to and from the testing tool. Regular monitoring will ensure breakage is caught as soon as possible. A data visualization tool such asTableaucan be helpful to combine data and provide a more holistic view of the...
Applies to: Tableau Cloud, Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server Use Explain Data as an incremental, jumping-off point for further exploration of your data. The possible explanations that it generates help you to see the different values that make up or relate to an analyzed mark in a view. It ca...
Applies to: Tableau Cloud, Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server Use Explain Data as an incremental, jumping-off point for further exploration of your data. The possible explanations that it generates help you to see the different values that make up or relate to an analyzed mark in a view. It ca...
Applies to: Tableau Cloud, Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server Each time you select a new mark in a viz or dashboard and run Explain Data, Tableau runs a new statistical analysis considering that mark and the underlying data in the workbook. Possible explanations are displayed in expandable sections...