If you're turned off air conditioning by the thought of expensive electric bills and harming the planet, air coolers that work by evaporation are another option to consider. Evaporative cooling might sound complex, but it's pretty familiar to all of us. Dogs keep cool without air conditioners...
On the basis of kinetic theory, explain why evaporation causes cooling. Describe the principle of operation of the electrodynamic wattmeter. Define charge density. State the principle of the parallelogram of forces. Describe an experiment to demonstrate it in the laboratory. ...
On the basis of kinetic theory, explain why evaporation causes cooling. Explain the term heat transfer. What is the science behind a humidifier and dehumidifier? What are its uses? Which of the following three statements concerning relative humidity values of 30% and 40% are t...
Increased precipitation in the Arctic is a robust feature across model simulations of the coming century, driven by intensification of meridional moisture transport and enhanced local evaporation in the absence of sea ice. These mechanisms are associated with distinct, seasonal, spatial, and, likely, ...
evaporation needed for salt deposition, the sediment surface would have subsided to oceanic depths during these 10 million years. The sag itself varies in thickness between 500 m and 5000m37, confined to the inboard limits of the rift and outboard by an outer high38. This outer high has ...
with little water available for the cooling process of evaporation, relative humidities are usually lower. Wind movements are also modified in cities because buildings increase the friction on air flowing around them. This friction tends to slow the speed of winds, making them far less efficient ...
Aproduce a cooling effect Bincrease evaporation of water Cincrease cloud formation Daffect all of theseSubmit Global warming leads to ADeleterious changes in the environment and resulting in odd climatic changes (e.g. El Nino effect) BIncreased melting of polar ice caps and Himalayan snow caps ...
Other potential mechanisms require more time. One proposal is that intense X-rays and ultraviolet radiation from a planet’s host star strips gas away over time. This process, called photoevaporation, would take less than 100 million years for most planets but could take billions of years for ...
(a) Evaporation produces cooling. (b) Rate of evaporation of an aqueous solution decreases with increase in humidity . (c) Sponge though compressible is a solid. View Solution Explain the following observations : (i) Nitrogen is much less reactive than phosphorus. (ii) Despite having gre...
An average adult engaged in light activity generates heat through metabolism at a rate of about 400 Btu/hr. The body releases this heat through several processes, including convection, radiation, evaporation and conduction. For indoor environments in colder weather, thermal radiation and convection typ...