Masticating machines "chew up" raw rubber using mechanical rollers and presses to make it softer, easier to work, and more sticky. After the rubber has been masticated, extra chemical ingredients are mixed in to improve its properties (for example, to make it more hardwearing). Next, the ...
Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficien- cy (PNUE) was calculated as the ratio of Aarea and Narea (mmol CO2 g N21 s21), using the photosynthetic rate of individuals in each species and the value for N or P concentration from the species tissue composite (below). Instantaneou...
We studied a total of nine sites, with three located on ridges, slopes, and in valleys, respectively. For each sampling site, we allocated three replicate plots of 1.5 m × 1.5 m for soil sampling (Figure S1). Triplicate composite soil samples from each site were taken within plots for ...