Tensors in Tensorflow and Keras usually include the activations ofallneurons of a layer. If you pass such a tensor toexplainyou will get theaverageattribution map for all neurons the Tensor refers to. If you want to target a specific neuron yuo need either to slice the component you are in...
simple pattern recognition is clearly going to be a bit hit and miss. The basic principle of recognizing speech by identifying its component parts certainly holds good, but we can do an even better job of it by taking into account how language ...
Another important high-level API component is the data block API, which is an expressive API for data loading. It is the first attempt we are aware of, to systematically define all of the steps necessary to prepare data for a deep learning model, and give users a mix ...
ArXiv Weekly Radiostation:NLP、CV、ML 更多精选论文(附音频) 论文1:High-frequency Component Helps Explain the Generalization of Convolutional Neural Network 作者:Haohan Wang、Xindi Wu、Zeyi Huang、Eric P. Xing 论文链接:https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.13545.pdf 摘要:如何理解神经网络的泛化能力?CMU 的汪...
The evaluation results were positive overall: Students felt that they had learnt the basic properties of the normal distribution that we intended. In addition to this 89% of students perceived the use of characters (i.e. the videogame aesthetics component) as friendly and appealing. From this ...