to demonstrate saving is to put some of your change after a grocery purchase into a jar at home instead of in your wallet. keep doing this regularly to save. teach older kids about a checking account and how money comes in and goes out. kids can also learn how...
For you younger kids: Back in the 80’s and 90’s, you used to have to ask your computer to save your work, because otherwise you would lose it the next time the computer or the program crashed, which was usually very soon. Those of us who lived through that don’t want to go ...
Answer to: Two identical clocks are in the same house, one upstairs in a bedroom and the other downstairs in the kitchen. Which clock runs more...
As I told each of those kids (one at a time), "Your buddies aren't here right now. It's just you and me." So, unless you can talk one of those "professionals" (who actually understands Gödel's proof) into joining us here, you need to explain to me where Gödel addressed ...
I added recordings of two of my kids fetal heartbeats to the sound collage. First was my daughter Zuzu, and the second was my then-unborn daughter Edith.Lastly, we added another recording of Zuzu. Four years ago I brought my memo recorder in to say goodnight to her one night and to ...
often as I want. In the summer, it means I can drop them off at camp or other activities and not completely disrupt the work day. On average, I see my kids about 2 hours more per day now than I did when I commuted to an office every day.”Justin Sharaf – VP of Marketing ...
For you younger kids: Back in the 80’s and 90’s, you used to have to ask your computer to save your work, because otherwise you would lose it the next time the computer or the program crashed, which was usually very soon. Those of us who lived through that don’t want to go ...
For you younger kids: Back in the 80’s and 90’s, you used to have to ask your computer to save your work, because otherwise you would lose it the next time the computer or the program crashed, which was usually very soon. Those of us who lived through that don’t want to go ...