In my previous blog post, I have shown how you could use {tidymodels} to train several machine learning models. Now, let’s take a look at getting some explanations out of them, using the {iml} package. Originally I did not intend to create a separate bl
There are several algorithms that can find the shortest path in a graph. Of them, the breadth-first search is the most simple one, although it's usually the most memory-demanding. We're working with SQL, though, which is not shy of storing data....
CCDs and CMOS chips, the two kinds of image sensor, do this job in slightly different ways. Both initially convert incoming light rays into electricity, much likephotoelectric cells(used in things like "magic eye" intruder alarms or restroom washbasins that switch on automatically when you put...
for exampleWhat-if 70: The Constant GroundskeeperorWhat-if 62: Falling With Helium). However, when the comic was published, there was a bug in Wolfram|Alpha so that, when getting 200 octal digits from "pau", it just calculates the decimal value rounded to 15 significant digits (this is ...