"Total number of idle threads");explain("QUEUE","Number of items in queue");explain("MAXQ","Maximum number of items observed in queue");explain("MEM","Total memory usage (if available)");explain("HOST","
ACI-LEAF# show ip arp internal event-history event | grep glean | grep sip | more [116] TID 11304:arp_handle_inband_glean:3035:log_collect_arp_glean;sip =;dip =;info = Received glean packet is an IP packet [116] TID 11304...
Run the following on the host : CODE: SELECT ALL EXPAND VIEW ipconfig /all route print arp -a netstat -an | find “LISTENING” netsh advfirewall show allprofiles Run the following in the guest : CODE: SELECT ALL EXPAND VIEW sudo ifconfig -a sudo route sudo arp sudo netstat -lnp sudo...