How do we connect different classes like different classes in java? What does static mean in Java? Consider a class that represents a bank account. a. Such a class might store information about the account balance, the name of the account holder, and an account number. What instance v...
In language C, suppose that p has been declared as follows: char *p = "abc"; Which of the following function calls are legal? Show the output produced by each legal call, and explain why the others a Explain overloading a method in java. Explain IPv4 Versus IPv6. E...
Check if a text file is blank in powershell check if computer exist in ou Check if drive exists, If not map Check if Email address exists in Office 365 and if exists, Create a Unique Email address Check if event log source exists for non admins Check if file created today and not 0...
Lispis a computer programming language with simple, highly regular syntax. The language's most notable feature is that programs take the same form as the language's primary data structure (the linked list). This blurs the line between code and data and permits programs to inspect and even al...
It’s about mapping one value into a new value, and getting the same type back. So the takeaway is that you don’t have to care if map loops or not, or how it loops, or in some languages how many threads it uses. If you are using a map method on an array, or on a library...
linked list notes queue notes graphs notes gate preparation tips how to prepare for gate chemical engineering how to prepare for gate cse how to prepare for gate mechanical engineering last minute tips for gate exam gate score validity gate questions dbms gate questions compiler design gate ...
Write a Java program that draws a scatterplot by reading in points of data from a file and displaying them. The input data file consists of a pair of integers representing a point on each line of the Prove the following property for n-cube. a. An...
(2048^4 total password space). Even optimizing by using c++/java or JtR, you wouldn't see huge improvement since most of the time is from the SHA hashing. Point being: a typical user can't crack this type of password in a short amount of time, even if they know your wordlist....
Java and php would have to compete for the title of the "the dirtiest, ugliest - but effective nonetheless - language around", 18 April 2013 (UTC) Ok, somewhat a Perl-head here, but not going to add to the arguments about that. Instead: I think "My God, it's ...