On those occasions, she at times had the opportunity to explain her beliefs to others. Lon ekkena fansoun, a tongeni äwewe ngeni aramas minne a lükü. jw2019 A woman reared by God-fearing parents explains:“We were never tagalongs who merely accompanied our parents in their work...
By Judeo-Christian beliefs, God rested on the "seventh" Day - most Christians believe that to be Sunday; others (I believe mostly Jewish) believe it to be Saturday - I think, though that even those who consider Saturday to be a holy day, if you were to ask them in casual conversation...
On those occasions, she at times had the opportunity to explain her beliefs to others. Akʼo mi jech, bateltike chalbe smelolal ti kʼu yuʼun jech stalelale. jw2019 Melesio explained that when he learned on his trips to the city that Jehovah is the true God, he destroyed ...