McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. shelf life (shelf līf) Stability of a product during storage; the maximum time during which it can be kept without undergoing change in chemical structure and properties. Medical Dictionary for ...
The present invention relates to a method for notifying of an expiry date of a medicine and a computer program recording medium therefor. A method for notifying of an expiry date of a medicine according to one aspect of the present invention, which is executed in a pharmacy system having a...
An expiration date is a date after which a consumable product such as food or medicine should not be used because it may be spoiled, damaged, or ineffective. The term expiration date also refers to the date that a drug patent expires. What does BB MA 2021 mean? Best Before datesare mark...
保质期(expiration date)的英文缩写是EXP。产品的保质期是指产品的最佳食用期。产品的保质期由生产者提供,标注在限时使用的产品上。在保质期内,产品的生产企业对该产品质量符合有关标准或明示担保的质量条件负责,销售者可以放心销售这些产品,消费者可以安全使用。保质期不是识别食物等产品是否变质的唯一...
2.Discussion on Drug Batch Number and Expiration Date of Norm Signal and Discriminate浅谈药品批号和有效期的标示与识别 3.These records shall be kept for one year after the expiry date of the recorded batch of medicine.记录保存至该批药品的有效期满后1年; 4.The objective of the stability studies...
What is expiry date of medicine? What does the 'expiry date' mean? The expiry date usually meansthat you should not take the medicine after the end of the month given. For example, if the expiry date is July 2020, you should not take the medicine after 31 July 2020. ...
A. N [of time, period]→ terminación f, finalización f; [of visa, passport]→ vencimiento m, caducidad f; [of lease, contract]→ vencimiento m, expiración f B. CPD expiry date N [of visa, contract]→ fecha f de vencimiento; [of medicine, food item]→ fecha f de caducidad Col...
在短语搭配方面,“expiry”常与“date”(日期)搭配使用,形成“expiry date”(到期日/有效期)这一常见短语。例如: The expiry date of this medicine is next month.(这种药的有效期是下个月。) 总的来说,“expiry”是一个表示时间到期或结束的名词,在多个领域都有广泛的应用。在使用时,需要根据具体语境选择合...
Define Expiry Dates. Expiry Dates synonyms, Expiry Dates pronunciation, Expiry Dates translation, English dictionary definition of Expiry Dates. n. 1. The date past which a product, such as food or medicine, must be sold or removed from availability beca
What is expiry date of medicine? The expiry date usually means that you should not take the medicine after the end of the month given. For example, if the expiry date is July 2020, you should not take the medicine after 31 July 2020. Is sell by date same as expiration? The “Sell ...