2592000是30天。binlog_expire_logs_seconds是8.0里面新增的,优先级比expire_logs_days高,5.7里的默认设置如下: Server version: 5.7.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.1-log (Ubuntu)Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or itsaffiliates. Oth...
binlog_expire_logs_seconds:动态修改:Yes 作用范围:Global 取值范围:0~4294967295 默认值:2592000(...
binlog_expire_logs_seconds是expire_logs_days的替代选项,用于更精确地控制binlog文件的过期时间。 MySQL 8.0版本开始引入了binlog_expire_logs_seconds,并逐渐弃用了expire_logs_days。 冲突: 在MySQL 8.0及更高版本中,这两个选项不能同时使用。 如果同时设置了这两个选项,MySQL会抛出错误,提示用户只能使用其中一...
A1: 要更改MySQL的Binlog保留天数,可以在my.cnf或my.ini配置文件中的[mysqld]部分添加或修改expire_logs_days参数,然后重启MySQL服务,将保留天数设置为30天: [mysqld] expire_logs_days = 30 对于MySQL 8.0及以上版本,使用binlog_expire_logs_seconds参数,单位为秒: [mysqld] binlog_expire_logs_seconds = 2...
In place of expire_logs_days, use binlog_expire_logs_seconds, which allows you to specify expiration periods other than (only) in an integral number of days. How to repeat: link to the url Suggested fix: fix one of the two document...
执行以下命令,查看设置的Binlog保留时间。 show variables like 'expire_logs_days'; 或 show variables like 'binlog_expire_logs_seconds'; 手动修改my.cnf配置文件,设置Binlog保留时间,以3天为例。 expire_logs_days=3 或 binlog_expire_logs_seconds=259200; 修改完成后,需选择一个非业务时间段,重启源...
During MySQL migration, you can set expire_logs_days to change the binlog retention period. Set expire_logs_day to a proper value to ensure that the binlog does not expir
, 1 warning (0.00 sec) mysql> set global binlog_expire_logs_seconds=2592000; ERROR 11079 (HY000): The option expire_logs_days cannot be used together with option binlog_expire_logs_seconds. Therefore, value of expire_logs_days is ignored. mysql> select @@binlog_expire_logs_seconds...
Affects: Server-8.0 —Status: Complete Description Requirements High Level Architecture Low Level Design Executive Summary --- This worklog adds a deprecation warning when users try to set expire_logs_days either alone or along with binlog_expire_logs_seconds. Background --- expire_logs_days is...