show variables like 'expire_logs_days';动态修改 expire_logs_days 的值,设置binlog过期时间为30天。...3683 - The option expire_logs_days and binlog_expire_logs_seconds cannot be used together...Please use binlog_expire_logs_seconds to set the expire time (expire_logs_days is deprecated)...
This allowed users to set expire time which need not be integral multiple of days. This is the better way to set the expiration time and also more flexible, it will make the system variable expire_logs_days unneeded, so that should be deprecated in 8.0 and may be removed in later ...
else子句不仅能在if 语句中使用,还能在 for、while 和 try 语句中使用,这个语言特性不是什么秘密,但...
('2 12:00:00') as an alternative to set 2.5 days expiration. Expire_logs_days still exists and has not been deprecated. (There is a *proposal* to change the name in order to have more consistent identifier prefixes. That would involve a deprecation procedure with the old name existing ...
Workaround: remove expire_logs_days variable from configuration file and set it with SET syntax: SET GLOBAL expire_logs_days=N; [23 Mar 2012 17:41] Micah Stevens Even thought the symptoms are completely different, marked as a dup of this one, so...
/usr/local/webserver/tomcat6/logs/logbak/zsxxw.log.2015-03-21.txt:2015-03-22 00:47:26,366 ORA-28002: the password will expire within 3 days/usr/local/webserver/tomcat6/logs/logbak/zsxxw.log.2015-03-21.txt:java.sql.SQLWarning: ORA-28002: the password will expire within 3 days...
show variables like 'expire_logs_days';动态修改 expire_logs_days 的值,设置binlog过期时间为30天。...3683 - The option expire_logs_days and binlog_expire_logs_seconds cannot be used together...Please use binlog_expire_logs_seconds to set the expire time (expire_logs_days is deprecated)...