the passwordexpiration datesetting is disabled. 身份验证数据库是使用LDAP或环境变量身份验证时,密码截止日期的设置将会无效。 [...] Notes after the Consent Payment Date but on or beforetheExpiration Date,andwhose notes are accepted for purchase, ...
18. If Party B intends to renew the Contract, a written request to Party A should be forwarded within one month before the expiration of the Contract. 如乙方有意向续约,应在合同期满前一个月内向甲方书面提出续约申请。 19. expiration 19. What's the expiration date on this product?
(expiration month: 到期的月份。)对应的中文意思:你的卡的到期的月份无效。
expiration date (redirected fromExpiration Dates) Dictionary Financial Encyclopedia n. 1.Thedatepastwhichaproduct,suchasfoodormedicine,mustbesoldorremovedfromavailabilitybecauseit is nolongerexpectedto befreshoreffective.Alsocalledsell-bydate. 2.Thedateonwhichsomething,suchas awarrantyorlicense,is nolongerva...
Your new card will show your six-month expiration date. Your next half-year payment that does not include a service charge or insurance charge will be billed to you prior to the new expiration date printed on your new membership card. I've sent in my dues ... now what? When will I ...
Credit cards generally expire at the end of the month listed in the expiry. So, if the card expires in May, you can use it until May 31, then switch to your new one on June 1. When do credit cards expire? Credit cards usually expire after 3 to 5 years. Over this period, cards ...
Hint indicating that this view can be autofilled with a credit card expiration day. Can be used with either #setAutofillHints(String[]) or <c>android:autofillHint</c> (in which case the value should be {@value #AUTOFILL_HINT_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DAY}). See #setAutofillHints(String......
Credit cards usually expire anywhere from three to five years after being issued, depending on the card issuer. The expiration date will appear on your credit card in month/year format. For example, a credit card expiring in July 2025 would show “07/25.” The card remains active u...
A credit card’s expiration date is the two-digit month and two-digit year on the front or back of the card, which indicates when the card will no longer be functional. For Capital One credit cards, it’s typically on the back next to the security code. ...
Your debit card’s expiration date is the date listed next to the phrase “valid thru” or “good thru.” This date is the month and year (MM/YY) your debit card is valid until. In other words, the card expires after that day in that month. ...