BEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) -- During an international forum on democracy in Beijing on Wednesday, experts discussed how rapid technological advances, such as the internet, big data and artificial intelligence, present both opportunities and challenges to democratic practices. Epoch-making technological ...
As of October, China had developed 254 AI large models with a parameter of at least a billion tokens each, according to a report released by the Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission. Tokens are chunks of text that AI learns from, while a parameter is used for evaluating numeric ...
As China's national lawmakers and political advisors gather in Beijing to deliberate key development issues at the country's major "Two Sessions" meetings, global officials and experts from various sectors expect the annual event to send positive signals concerning China's continue...
Despite challenges at home and abroad, China is able to maintain a stable economic performance with the help of pro-growth policies, experts said. Latest data shows that China's GDP expanded 6.7 percent year on year in the first three quarters of 2018, with the growth rate slowing to 6.5 ...
Much remains to be achieved, however. In addition to equity, other challenges include difficulties in the mega-region's coordinated environmental governance, the development of green and digital economies, and institutional mechanisms for coordinated development. Still, the early signs are promising, hig...
Through techniques like low-temperature seed banking, Goodale aims to safeguard endangered plant species for future generations. She seeks to ensure the resilience of ecosystems in the face of environmental challenges by understanding the relationships among plants, pollinators and fungi. ...
A Deeper Understanding ofChinese Game Studios: How They Operate:This presentation will explore the success of Chinese game studios and provide insights into the opportunities and challenges faced by international developers interested in entering into the Chinese market or collaborating with Chinese develope...
Curator Chen Yongming highlighted the museum's role in promoting water culture and conducting public water education. Against the backdrop of increasingly-severe global water challenges, the museum is actively engaging in international exchanges, sharing experiences with sister institutions worldwide. ...
ISLAMABAD, March 17 (Xinhua) -- With the global security environment becoming greatly undefined and complex owing to climate change, pandemics and geopolitical conflicts, China-proposed Global Security Initiative (GSI) can help the world combat various security challenges and ensure sustainable peace, ...
Julie Leathers-Gresham is a senior radio producer for VOA Hausa, a position she has held since joining the service in 2005. In this capacity, she produces and oversees the 30-minute mid-day and evening airshows that broadcast to Nigeria, Niger and Ghana. Her attention to detail and ability...