It is mandatory that the full names, full affiliation with country and email address of every contributing author must be included in title (authorship) page of the manuscript. The first page of the manuscript should contain the title of the paper, and the full name, full affiliation with cou...
Expert Systems with Applications j our nal homepage: . el sevi er . com/ l ocat e/ eswa The proposed method incorporates both sampling techniques and cost-sensitive learning, which are two common approaches to tackle the problemof imbalanced data. By introducing ‘‘interval variables”, these ...
PR Chinac Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Konga r t i c l e i n f oKeywords:Enterprise credit risk assessmentEnsemble learningBaggingRandom subspaceSVMa b s t r a c tEnterprise credit risk assessment has long been regarded as...
Expert Systems With Applications is a refereed international journal whose focus is on exchanging information relating to expert and intelligent systems applied in industry, government, and universities worldwide. The thrust of the journal is to publish papers dealing with the design, development, testin...
Expert Systems with Applications j our nal homepage: . el sevi er . com/ l ocat e/ eswa techniques, concluding that profit efficiency and capacity effi- ciency have received limited attention in the studies evaluated. A large research attention has been given toward credit. In fact,...
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 5347–5352 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Expert Systems with Applications journal homepag e: /locate/eswa Chaotic synchronization using PID control combined with population based incremental learning algorithm Leandro dos Santos Coelho *, Rafael ...
Expert Systems with Applications , 1993 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 1 作者:B Hayes-Roth,A Collinot 摘要: An intelligent agent must interact with dynamic entities in real time. Because it cannot predict all events that will occur, it must notice and respond to important unanticipated ...
Expert Systems with Applications, 32(4), 995-1003 This paper explores the effectiveness of Data Mining (DM) classification techniques in detecting firms that issue fraudulent financial statements (FFS) and... E Kirkos,C Spathis,Y Manolopoulos - 《Expert Systems with Applications》 被引量: 584...
Writing, editing, rewriting, proofreading, work with presentations: the company boasts of multiple options and it supports safe payment systems. Our order was delivered perfectly by our deadline, and its quality was excellent. The writer understood academic structure and answered every question from ...
kNN processing with co-space distance in SoLoMo systems. Xianke Zhou Sai Wu Gang Chen Lidan Shou 原文链接 谷歌学术 必应学术 百度学术 Volume 41, Number 15, November 2014 A multi-vessel quay crane assignment and scheduling problem: Formulation and heuristic solution approach. Yi-Min Fu...