Design-Expert® Software Version 10 使用Design-Expert软件对产品或过程进行突破性改进。您不仅可以筛选重要因素,还可以找到理想的工艺设置,以获得更佳性能,并
DESIGN-EXPERT ® SOFTWARE中国代理 具体描述: 让实验设计(DOE)变得轻松简单 借助Design-Expert软件,对您的产品和流程进行大幅度改善。筛选重要的因素和组件,表征交互,并最终实现优质的工艺设置和产品配方。在交互式2D图形上设置标志并探查轮廓;然后使用可旋转的3D图从各个角度对响应面进行可视化。最后,同时使所有响应...
XMD mold design software is the best tool for mold design. An intuitive, purpose built, automated tool that understands design intention. A free trial of XMD will prove it's the most valuable, cost effective tool in your mold making tool box.
Design-Expert 8.0使用指南-系统专业教程(响应面学习-RSM)
Design-Expert makes Design of Experiments (DOE) EasyBUY DESIGN-EXPERT GET QUOTE FREE TRIALMake breakthrough improvements to your product and process with Design-Expert® software from Stat-Ease. Screen for vital factors and components, characterize interactions, and, ultimately, achieve optimal ...
(The XML tool also allows import of designs created externally.) Scripting capability: Run Design-Expert software in batch mode so it can be tied into more comprehensive lab ware or used to cycle through massive quantities of data, for example from computer-based simulations. ...
Digital Design Solutions is the premier provider of Siemens PLM Teamcenter NX CAD CAM CAE Forging Simulation and Mechanical Software and services in Delhi NCR Gurgaon India
Design-Expert 7.0 software: more interface features, analysis tools.(COMPUTER PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS)
Design-Expert software (trail version 8, Stat-Ease, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA 发自小木虫Android...