Scattering experiments provide information on one of the most basic properties of a plasma, namely the charged particle correlation function. They are likely to prove particularly useful in thermonuclear research where, because of the high temperature and energy density, other, more conventional, ...
I think it’s partly that, but on a deeper level, if orthodox science were to accept that a single non-materialistic phenomena did in fact exist, it undermines a most fundamental assumption of what we call reality. Beyond that, there is a deep and persistent hostility against anything outs...
However, the conventional experimental setup used to test airborne virus transmission in animal models does not conclusively prove that the virus infecting the susceptible animal was directly exhaled into the air by the inoculated animal. It establishes that a pathogen is airborne-transmissible, but ...
To give a real-world example, we also include the particle tracking data of size-standard 100 nm polystyrene spheres in water and show that depending on the dataset size and whether we “hand-pick” the particles, one can “prove” by MSD analysis on such a small dataset that these ...
The neurologist Benjamin Libet performed a sequence of remarkable experiments in the early 1980's that were enthusiastically, if mistakenly, adopted by determinists and compatibilists to show that human free will does not exist. His measurements of the time before a subject is aware of self-...
The particle charging can be used in experiments to help gather information about atmospheric electrostatics, saltation, and tribo-electric charging. The charging could also prove to be a nuisance for equipment because of the potential hazard of electrostatic adhesion and discharge. Consequently it is ...
Much ink is spilled on this site, both in the articles themselves and in the threads that follow, on CO2 and its impact on long wave infrared radiation (LWIR).
The results of our experiments indicate that deep learning algorithms such as our iCD have the ability to outperform conventional methods in the field of wound healing analysis. The combined analysis on cell and population scale using iCD is very well suited for timesaving and high quality wound ...
light with their own corresponding molecule and no other. It also explains why minute changes in the structure of a molecule can profoundly alter its biological effect. It is not that these tiny structural changes make it a bad fit with its biological receptor (the classical lock-and-key ...
Out of a number of relatively new machine learning techniques we have looked at40, we have elected to implement MST for the current work. We have found that MST is resilient to the presence of back- ground noise in diffraction patterns and peak shifting and provides good cluster connectivity....