Indeed, in many experiments the 1×g reference centrifuge on board revealed the same data as the 1×g controls on ground, proving the lack of gravity was causing the results. In other cases, the reference centrifuge data were intermediate or clearly different to the ground data which was ...
DRIFT also incorporates a sub-model to account for the initial gravity-driven spreading of a dense-gas release around the source. For large release rates, this model expands the initial source diameter and allows the trailing edge of the cloud to move upwind of the source. The version of ...
The effects of the blunt body structure parameters and the center spacing ratio on the energy harvesting performance of the system are qualitatively explained by constructing a simulation model. Compared with the single blunt body energy capture structure, the side-by-side double blunt body structure...
A Nucleodur C-18 gravity 150 × 4.6 mm (5 μm) column was used for the quantitative determination of pesticide residues. Analytical standards of high purity were used for establishing linearity and linear range, and repeatability and accuracy of the analytical method. The analytical standard of ...