This is a list of experiments from the Disney animated Lilo & Stitch franchise, most of them making their first appearance in Lilo & Stitch: The Series. These fictional experiments, also referred to as Stitch's cousins, are genetically engineered creatur
Hawaiian girl Lilo adoption living on the Earth from outer space "Lilo & Stitch", because of failed experiments, Lilo & Stitch temper of the six legs are very irritable, but slowly come to understand the true meaning of family to get along with Lilo and sisters, "The home is not let an...
A creative Pokémon fan has created art that reimagines some of the game series' monsters in the style of the classic Disney franchise Lilo and Stitch.A creative Pokémon fan has created art that reimagines some of the game series' creatures in the style of the classic Disney franchise ...
Adoption of living on the Earth from outer space "Lilo & Stitch" Hawaiian girl Lilo, Lilo & Stitch temper of the experiment failed, with six legs very irritable, but to get along with Lilo and sisters, it dawned on home the true meaning of "home is not let anyone leave." "Monsters,...
, the "home" a wide range of meanings. Even in the absence of any genetic relationship, as long as each other feel caring, also can be established to depend on each other's warm home. Adoption of living on the Earth from outer space "Lilo & Stitch" Hawaiian girl Lilo, Lilo &am...