1999), which is also interesting in our context, as very similar results of an experimenter effect have been found in the field of pain assessment (Carter et al. 2002; Kállai et al. 2004; Levine and De Simone 1991; Mogil 2012; Vigil et al. 2014). However, an interaction between the...
An experiment is usually designed with the aim of getting a clear-cut answer to a fairly specific scientific question. As we shall see, many different kinds of questions can be answered in the laboratory. But typically, such questions regard the 0mutualdependence of some variables or quantities...
In discussing experimenter effects, researchers typically devote little attention to the gender of the experimenter. The effects of experimenter-participant interaction qualities in a goal-oriented nonintentional precognition task/Los efectos de las cualidades de interaccion experimentador-participante en un...