LETTER TO THE EDITOR: GREAT RESEARCH IDEAS FAIL BECAUSE OF WEAK EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNdoi:10.52165/kinsi.27.1.189-192GAMESPHYSICAL activityACADEMIC achievementLEARNING disabilitiesMarkelj, NejaKinesiologia Slovenica
In this context, the following ideas are suggested as future studies: 6.3. Future studies on two-phase liquid-liquid flows According to the literature, emulsions are generally analyzed with equipment based on laser or ultrasound, e.g., LPSA and UES. These devices measure the size distribution ...
Read on to see if anything sparks ideas of your own. In the area of haptics and physical feedback, Sony shared research prototypes that look like short batons in which are hidden movable weights. These weights can shift up or down on demand, altering their center of gravity. [Devin] ...
Institutional affiliations: Authors should use either the full, standard title of their institution or the standard abbreviation of the institutional name so that the institutional name can be independently verified for research integrity purposes. Studies in humans and animals Authors must follow ethical...
You can use the experimental People Picker widget to select people and groups in your tenant, and your add-in can then use the principals selected by your users. Please provide ideas and comments at the Office Developer Platform UserVoice site....
This combined with the ideas that adhesives can be reused, and that it is unlikely a Neandertal would need to haft an entire toolkit at once, further demonstrate the feasibility of the methods used here. Depending on the tree species, tar yields using laboratory techniques are in the range ...
Supplementary Raw Research Data. This is open data under the CC BY license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Research data for this article Data will be made available to the editor and referees upon request and will be provided to the public upon acceptance. Data not available / ...
vi.Research Highlights and Graphical Abstract; vii. Main Text; viii. Acknowledgements; ix. References; x. Tables (each table complete with title and footnotes); xi. Figure Legends; xii. Appendices (if relevant). Figures and supporting information should be supplied as separate files. Authorship ...
Research letters can also be published as brief reports of (a) preliminary data if they provide new insights (b) rare cases or (c) innovative ideas. Letters must not be longer than 750 words and may contain only one table or figure and up to 10 references. Letters must have a ...
Signaling has some overlap with nudging, which means that nudging could potentially provide a theoretical lens for this research as well. Rooted in the psychological literature, nudging is based on the assumption that humans are prone to bias in their decision-making due to bounded rationality (Sim...