We present a variety of models for strike-slip tectonics which represent a useful database for seismic interpreters and geologists. In pure strike-slip, the Riedel shear geometry is shown to depend on the initial stress state, interference of parallel basement faults and horizontal layering of the...
doi:10.1016/0148-9062(95)92271-IELSEVIERInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts
The processes which have governed the formation and evolution of large Tertiary strike-slip faults during the penetration of India into eastern Asia are investigated by means of plane strain indentation experiments on layered plasticine models. The steady state deformation of plasticine obeys a power cr...
Oblique indentation and rotation structures can be demonstrated by (1) the crescent shape of the thrust wedge, (2) pull-apart structures induced by strike-slip tectonics, and (3) bookshelf-type strike-slip faulting resulting from the block rotation around the indentation point....
Geomaterials and Reinforced Structures (Second Edition)Advanced Technologies, Visual and Performing Arts, Entertainment: Exploring New Forms of Geoheritage and Geosite PromotionAdvancements and Applications in Reinforcement LearningAdvancements in Adversarial Machine Learning: Techniques, Applications and Security...
Low-level measurements before and after a large storm would help constrain regional and global models of Titan’s methane cycle. Task 2.1c Understand the diversity of atmospheric stability in the context of global circulation. During its descent to the surface, Huygens measured the atmospheric lapse...
Analogue modelling of intraplate strike-slip tectonics: a review and new experimental results. Tectonophysics 574, 1-71.Dooley T. P., Schreurs G. Analogue modelling of intraplate strike -slip tectonics: A review and new experimental results [ J ]. Tec- tonophysics,2012, (574-575) : 1-71....
Analogue modelling of intraplate strike-slip tectonics: A review and new experimental 35 results. Tectonophysics, 574, 1-71.Dooley, T.P., Schreurs, G., 2012. Analogue modelling of intraplate strike-slip tectonics: a review and new experimental results. Tectonophysics 574-575, 1-71....
Strike-slip systems as the main tectonic features in the Plio-Quaternary kinematics of the Calabrian Arc The oblique and diachronous collision of the Apennine-Maghrebian Chain with the Apulian (in the north-east) and Pelagian (in the south) continental forelan... AD Ben,C Barnaba,A Taboga...
Slip partitioning is obtained only in the models with high interplate friction and only when the overriding plate contains a weak zone. This zone in the models corresponds either to locally thinned lithosphere or to cut (fault). The horizontal, trench-normal component of the interplate friction ...