Differences and similarities at work: The experiences of Italian ethnic return migrants from Argentina and FranceProntera, MariannaAltreitalie
Ageing between Cultures: the Experiences and Challenges of Italian Migrants in South Australia, edited by Daniela Cosmini-Rose, Leicester, Troubador, 2015, 200 pp., 24.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-16-846-2468-2 Ageing between Cultures: the Experiences and Challenges of Italian Migrants in South ...
https://aifs.gov.au/building-new-life-australia/research/research-reports/recently-arrived-humanitarian-migrants. Accessed 10 Oct 2024 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2022). Gen aged care data: People using aged care. https://www.gen-agedcaredata.gov.au/Topics/People-using-aged-...
2.1 An Increasing Need for Data on International Migrants The need for information on immigrants and their migration trajectories has risen in recent decades due to an increase in their numbers, in their diversity with respect to their countries of origin and in their reasons for ...
Find Out What Else You Can Do While You’re Visiting Cage of Death in Australia Visit Salar De Uyuni Salt Flats, Bolivia World’s best experience isn’t merely confined to touring to a beach or desert destination; this world has provided us even more rare and unique things to explore. On...
study, im/migrant women who independently used free or low-cost sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care in places of origin found it challenging to be sponsored im/migrants newly dependent on their male partners' health insurance to access care (Espinoza et al., 2014). Moreover, women's ...
doi:10.1080/1369183x.2018.1438251Francesco Della PuppaRussell KingRoutledgeJournal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Second, how does the ethnic group we call 'Italian-Bangladeshis' narrate their working lives in London and to what extent do they feel 'at home' there? Third, what are the gaps between their expectations held before the move and the actual social and economic conditions they encounter in ...
The Control of People Smuggling and Trafficking in the EU The oceans have facilitated the commerce of human beings, traded like commodities from one jurisdiction to another, and the smuggling of migrants by illegal enterprises, due to the profitability of trafficking in person. Despite the grav.....
Infant feeding is closely related to children’s life-long health and well-being. It is common for parents to withstand infant feeding challenges and