What is a business credit report? Much like a personal consumer credit report, a business credit report contains financial references, which help potential creditors make decisions about doing business with you, only on your company or small business rather than you as an individual. Such ...
1999年,成立全球管理委员会,并对销售团队进行重组,为日后的全球化扩张奠定了基础; 2002年,随着个人征信查询的流行和互联网技术的兴起,收购为消费者提供信用报告的新兴公司Consumerinfo.com,开始为C端用户提供线上信用报告订阅服务,成功切入C端市场。自此,Consumerinfo.com成为Experian消费者业务的基石,其在十年之后占据...
自此,Consumerinfo.com成为Experian消费者业务的基石,其在十年之后占据了Experian营业收入的1/5以上。 2004年,收购CheetahMail正式进入电子邮件营销市场,吸取前两次收购的经验,Experian尽可能地保留了CheetahMail的独立地位,使得两者的文化和业务融合顺利,并一举成为美国当时最大的电子邮件营销服务商之一。 2005-2008:正式...
What is a business credit report? Much like a personal consumer credit report, a business credit report contains financial references, which help potential creditors make decisions about doing business with you, only on your company or small business rather than you as an individual. Such ...
从收入划分来看,Experian目前共有两条并行的业务线,分为B2B(Business-to-Business)服务和消费者服务(Consumer Services),其中B2B服务又分为数据服务(Data)和决策服务(Decisioning)。公司2021财年实现持续经营收入53.57亿美元(Revenue from ongoing activities),其中数据服务、决策服务以及消费者服务分别占比54%、22%和24...
Over 600 Sources feed into Experian’s consumer credit bureau data every month Features Experian iCache provides the data and insight needed to make the right decision for you in a competitive market, and an immediate and accurate quote your customer – in under 200 milliseconds We offer you a...
3月23日,美国消费者金融保护局(The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,CFPB)针对益百利(Experian)及其子公司欺瞒消费者该公司所售卖信用评分用途的行为采取了行动。 益百利称其向消费者推销及出售的信用评分用于供借贷机构进行信贷决策。实际上,借贷机构决策时并未使用该征信公司的评分。CFPB命令益百利如实称述其信用机构...
Experian is committed to helping you protect, understand, and improve your credit. Start with your free Experian credit report and FICO® score.
3月23日,美国消费者金融保护局(The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,CFPB)针对益百利(Experian)及其子公司期满消费者该公司所售卖信用评分用途的行为采取了行动。 益百利称其向消费者推销及出售的信用评分用于供借贷机构进行信贷决策。实际上,借贷机构决策时并未使用该征信公司的评分。CFPB命令益百利如实称述其信用机构...