这里的expense ratio指的是投资ETF所需的费用么?ratio的分母是什么? 这里的expense ratio是指投资ETF需要支付的管理费,同学理解正确的。 ratio = 年度管理费/投入金额。 例如,对于XIU基金,买入100万元,每年需要向基金公司缴纳100万*0.18%的管理费。 ---努力的时光都是限量版,加油! 添加评论 0 0 1 回答 1 关...
Even though exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can be relatively inexpensive, investing in them includes certain costs. The most obvious is the operating expense ratio (OER), which is incurred while owning the ETF. However, trading costs are also important: Commissions (if applicable), bid/ask ...
An exchange-traded fund (ETF) deducts its expenses from the total value of the shares. These fees are typically expressed as a percentage of the fund’s average net assets and referred to as the operating expense ratio (OER). They pay the fund managers’ salaries as well as other costs,...
Expense ratios reflect what it costs to operate mutual funds and ETFs. Learn more about what an expense ratio is.
费用比率(Expense Ratio)是基金一年的营运费用占其管理资产总值的百分比。这是衡量基金营运成本的重要指标。 doc.mbalib.com|基于85个网页 2. 操作费用比率 操作费用比率(Expense ratio) 操作费用比率概述 操作费用比率是用来衡量投资人在每一年度所支付之基金操作与管理费用。 … ...
With reference to an investment fund, expense ratio is the ratio of the fund’s operating expenses to its assets under management. It is calculated by dividing the fund’s operating expenses by the assets under management of the fund.
The expense ratio is the operating expenses divided by the average total assets, which can also be managed by increasing the average member deposits and average loans, Hoel explained. Teachers' saving habits help SchoolsFirst FCU keep expenses down The negative trends in sales, gross margin and ...
In short, the expense ratio reflects the costs incurred to operate a specific mutual fund or ETF, such as overhead and administrative expenses. The fund metric is particularly important to investors in mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Each year, mutual funds and ETFs must pay op...
The expense ratio of a fund or ETFis important becauseit lets an investor know how much they pay to invest in a specific fund and how much their returns will be reduced. The lower the expense ratio the better because an investor receives higher returns on their invested capital.3 How Is ...
The lower the expense ratio for an ETF, the less you'll pay in costs to own the fund. If typical expense ratios average 0.24%, a good gross expense ratio would be at or below that.5 How Are ETF Expense Ratios Paid? Expense ratios aren't paid directly to the fund manager like a bi...