classifiedbyfunction of expensewould be recognised in cost of goods sold. 倘該等其他開支項目按開支功能歸類,於已出售貨物成本中確認。 Furthermore, training for higher levels of skills or for a differentfunctionshould not be attheexpense oftherequire...
e. 其他(M列): 仅限于出差过程中发生的不属于上述类别的费用,如上网,洗衣等费用,按项目填写 Others: Cost occurred during the trip can’t be classified into the categories listed in ER form should be entered into this column. The charge shall be itemized in each line by each invoice and no ...
会计专业英语Chapter 8 Revenue and Expense8.1.1 Definition of RevenueThe increase in economic resources either through increase
Here, we compared wildtype Doc2b with two Ca 2+ binding site mutants named DN and 6A, previously classified as gain- and loss-of-function mutants. They carry the substitutions D218,220N or D163,218,220,303,357,359A respectively. We found that both mutants bound phospholipids at low Ca ...
Newspapers have been spurred by a simple economic fact: (93) more than a third of their revenue comes from classified advertising, which readily lends itself to searchable Web sites. In a defensive move, newspapers quickly and heavily invested in such online sites as CareerPath. corn, PowerAdz...