Definition:General government expenditure on education (current, capital, and transfers) is expressed as a percentage of GDP. It includes expenditure funded by transfers from international sources to government. General government usually refers to local, regional and central governments. ...
BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhua) -- China's defense expenditure as a percentage of GDP is lower than the world average, a spokesperson said Tuesday. Since 2016, China's annual defense spending has maintained single-digit growth for nine years in a row, said Lou Qinjian, spokesperson for the thir...
The bar graph illustrates the expenditure on health and education sectors in the UAE, measured as the percentage of GDP, in three different years- 1985, 1990 and 1994 while the line graph demonstrates child mortality and life expectancy from 1970 to 1992. According to the diagram, investment...
PRIMARY educationThe paper presents a pictorial trend of the Czech government's educational expenditure on education as a percentage of the country's GDP from 1998 to 2017. It begins with a brief profile of the country and its educational system. Its primary concern ...
BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhua) -- China's defense expenditure as a percentage of GDP is lower than the world average, a spokesperson said Tuesday. Since 2016, China's annual defense spending has maintained single-digit growth for nine years in a row, said Lou Qinjian, spokesperson for the thir...
Real labour productivity per person, as a percentage of change over the previous year. GPE: Public expenditure on education. Total general government expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP. GID: Expenditure on R&D in the education sector, performed within the business enterprise sector. ...
Public expenditure on education, as a percentage of GDP, is influenced by a number of factors. An obvious one is the proportion of the population of school age, which can vary widely between different countries.fifth. * Public ...
In 2022, the government expenditure on adult education in the Netherlands increased by 118 million euros (+2.27 percent) since 2021.
national health expenditure as a share of its gross domestic product (GDP) reached 17.3 percent, this was a decrease on the previous year. The United States has the highest health spending based on GDP share among developed countries. Both public and private health spending in the U.S. is ...
propelling the GDP by 4.4 percentage points. Investment expenditure also played a role, contributing 29.8% and propelling the GDP by 1.6 percentage points. These figures underscore the importance of stimulating consumer expenditur...