In this fourth installment, the Expendables are assigned on a mission to stop Suarto, who runs a terrorist organization from smuggling nuclear warheads that will ignite a conflict between Russia and US. The film stars an ensemble cast including Sylvester Stallone (Bar...
In this fourth installment, the Expendables are assigned on a mission to stop Suarto, who runs a terrorist organization from smuggling nuclear warheads that will ignite a conflict between Russia and US. The film stars an ensemble cast including Sylvester Stallone (Barney Ross), Jason ...
While the specifics the Fast 11 story are being kept under wraps for the time being, the cast and crew have teased story elements for the next Fast & Furious movie. As the second part of the overarching Fast X narrative, Fast 11 will follow on from the cliffhanger ending of Fast X. F...
Cast The Cinema Snob The Expendables(Season 4, Episode 27) TV-MA TV Episode|16 min|Comedy Edit pageAdd to list Director Brad Jones Writer Brad Jones Producer Brad Jones Editor Brad Jones See all filmmakers & crew (3) Status EditReleased...
The continued success of the franchise withThe Expendables 2meant thatThe Expendables 3happened with a short turnaround. Production ran from August to October in 2013, meaning the cast and crew returned just a year after the previous installment debuted in theaters. This gap means Sylvester Stallon...
driver: cast Brad Lips ... shorty forty driver Rick Lovoy ... driver: motor home Sávio Martins ... transportation assistant, 2nd unit, brazil crew Nick W. Pastrano ... construction driver Phil Schriber ... picture car coordinator Erik Von Hof ... driver: guns truck Steven Wi...
The Expendables 3 (2014) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
Main cast Other Cast Sylvester Stallone as Barney Ross - Stallone sustained 14 injuries making this movie including breaking a tooth, rupturing his ankle and getting a hairline fracture in his neck that required the surgical insertion of a metal plate. He also had bronchitis and shingles during ...
In Expend4bles, a new group of mercenaries joins the "old guard" to help fight an arms dealer with his own private army.
The ExpendablesPic #1: Car double for Lundgren(On the left). The ExpendablesPic #2: Doubling for Lundgren in a fight scene with eitherJet Lior Li's doubleNuo Sun. Categories: Cast Crew Expendables actors Stunt doubles Advertisement